Attached you will find the Essential Aesthetics quality annual report for the year 2022. In this report, you can read what we have done in the past year to keep the quality of our services high and where possible to improve even further.
This document has been produced in collaboration with the management and quality manager of Essential Aesthetics. If you have any questions about this document or if you would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Introduction of the clinic
Essential Aesthetics is a leading independent clinic located in a beautiful monumental building in The Hague. The clinic originated from a passion for quality, care and beauty with the mission: the best investment you can make is one in yourself. Essential Aesthetics offers a wide range of cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments / procedures in a luxurious, relaxing environment. Working with the best products and top-notch international doctors guarantees high quality and up to date knowledge of the latest state of the art treatment methods. The clinic prides itself on its personal touch, you are essential to us, our mission is to look for the best way to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty.
Mission and policy
Essential Aesthetics aims to be the number one in aesthetic surgery and healthy-ageing treatments, a beacon of excellence at all levels. Our team of doctors, assistants and quality manager, works day in and day out to provide the very best quality and service; not only today but also for tomorrow’s needs.
We do this by being entirely present for our clients and genuinely caring. Listening to your needs, connecting with our patients, paying attention to the details and taking time to send that one message that the patient needs after surgery. The personal touch, hand in hand with raising our quality management to a higher level every day.
Essential Aesthetics, in line with our commitment to excellence, works of course in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations that apply to our clinic. In addition, the requirements of the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ) will be met at all times.
Employees and practitioners
Knowledge and skills are essential at Essential Aesthetics. All our doctors and employees follow refresher courses in their field in order to comply with their specialist registration and to keep their knowledge and expertise up to date. In addition, the employees take an annual emergency response course.
Results of 2022
There are 2 minor complications registered with Essential Aesthetics in 2022.
Complaints in 2022
1 complaint was reported in 2022. It was handled by the independent DOKh complaints committee.
Patient and client satisfaction
After treatment at EA Klinieken, patients receive an automatic message inviting them to post a review on platform Kliniekervaringen. In 2022, clients rated us an average of 9.6!
Quality, policy and safety
Quality management system
The quality system functions satisfactorily and is part of the primary process, the provision of patient care. Risks are discussed, points for improvement from incident reports and audits are tackled and evaluated in a structured way. The cycle of improvement is completed and monitored by management and quality teams.
Essential Aesthetics strives every day for high quality and safety for its patients. Every year, a number of internal and external audits are carried out to check and guarantee the quality and patient safety of the clinic.
Infection audit
Prevention audit Schaaf Consultancy conducts an annual audit at Essential Aesthetics to test our hygiene and infection policy. It also provides the clinic with any recommendations so that we can continue to improve.
Pharmacist’s audit
Every year, our medication policy and management within the clinic is checked by a pharmacist by means of an audit.
ISO 9001: 2015 audit
Essential Aesthetics has been ISO 9001 certified since 2019. Certification means that an external, independent party determines whether the quality management system of the organization meets all standard requirements. The certification is tested annually by an independent auditor from KIWA.
NEN 8009:2018 audit
As we are always striving to improve even further, from this year we are also obtaining NEN 8009 certification. NEN 8009 gives specifications to set up a system for safety in hospitals for patients and employees. Gives definitions for safety, responsibilities and the requirements for employees.
Internal audits
In addition to the external audits, several internal audits are also carried out annually in all kinds of areas by our quality manager.
Quality safety system
Good care is safe care. In addition to high quality, we also want to provide safe care. We use our safety management system (abbreviated to VMS), to monitor and control our processes around the safety of patients and employees. The core of VMS is risk identification and the analysis and prevention of incidents. The VMS is aimed at identifying risks to the to control the patient and prevent damage to the patient. In order to strive for continuous and lasting improvement, we work with an improvement cycle.
Safe Incident Reporting (VIM)
Safe Incident Reporting (VIM) is an important part of the Safety Management System. The Veilig Incident Melden (Safe Incident Reporting) is there to gain insight into the causes of undesirable events (risks) in the care and treatment process across the organisation and at the location level. Central to this is organisational or system problems. By analysing incidents and near misses, we gain insight into the risks, detect underlying causes and remove them by implementing improvement actions. In this way, patient care is made safer. Calamities, should there be one, are reported to the Health Care Inspectorate in accordance with our calamity procedure.
Law & regulations
The clinic complies with all relevant laws and regulations. The most important laws and regulations are listed below:
• The Admission of Care Institutions Act (WTZi);
• The Individual Healthcare Professions Act (Wet BIG);
• The Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO);
• The Quality, Complaints and Disputes for Care Act (Wkkgz);
• The Law on Medical Devices;
• Medical Devices Decree (BMH);
• Decree on sterilised medical devices in hospitals (BGMH);
• Covenant on the Safe Application of Medical Technology in Specialist Medical Care (NFU, NVZ and
Rehabilitation Netherlands);
• The Guideline Responsibility of medical specialists for the maintenance and management of medical equipment
• Circumstances (minor) surgical and invasive procedures (WIP);
• Directive on particularly resistant micro-organisms (WIP);
• Richtlijn Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (WIP);
• Personal hygiene employee (WIP);
• Relevant WIP guidelines (WIP);
• Handbook on assigning responsibility for cooperation in healthcare (KNMG, V&VN, KNOV, KNGF, KNMP,
NIP, NVZ, NFU, GGZ Nederland and NPCF);
• Medicines Law;
• Safety Management System (VMS);
• Guideline VTGM (NVZA, V&VN and WIP);
• National directive on the prevention of iatrogenic hepatitis B;
• Working Conditions Law;
• Cosmetic care quality framework;
• GDPR law.