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Renowned French plastic surgeon

Dr. Professor Philippe Levan

Essential Aesthetics is proud to work with the French plastic surgeon Professor Philippe Levan. Professor Philippe Levan is recognized as a surgeon in the Netherlands as well as in France. Levan has an eye for refinement in aesthetic surgery and has been performing various procedures for over 25 years. He specializes in rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, facelifts, blepharoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty, buttock surgery and reconstructive surgery. He knows how delicate the human body is and how optimal care for each patient and precision work are prerequisites for an optimal result.

He is a highly experienced and renowned specialist who is the Head of the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery of the Paris-Saint Joseph Hospital Group. In addition to his surgical practice, Professor Levan trains international plastic surgery talent in collaboration with the University of Paris Descartes. Professor Levan is a member of all relevant organizations in his field and has operated in multiple hospitals, including Chef de Clinique. His love for his profession is also reflected in his founding the Group for Advancement in Plastic Surgery (GAPS) and Wikiplastic, the online platform for sharing videos about plastic surgery.

Professor Levan strives for perfection at all times: “I consider every surgery as a new challenge to achieve the best results for my patient. For me, this means the best possible aesthetic outcome and the most natural result possible; maximum fulfillm

ent of the patient’s wishes and the shortest possible post-operative recovery time with the least pain. For me, I use the most recent and exclusively scientifically proven techniques. I am always open, honest, and clear in providing information to my patients, with plenty of room to ask questions. Management of expectations is crucial to prevent disappointment. I want every patient to feel completely safe, understood, and cared for at all times. Patients’ trust is crucial to me.”

Although he has mastered plastic and cosmetic surgery, Professor Levan has gained worldwide fame for his long-standing expertise and innovations in butt augmentation. He is a true pioneer of remodeling. Not satisfied with the butt implants then, Levan developed a remarkably successful butt implant as of 2011, the “Biconvex gluteal implant”, together with Sebbin laboratories. These exceptionally high-quality silicone gel-filled implants are much more flexible and accessible to insert into the body than other products. On top of that, and very important: they feel soft and natural and stay in place. With his innovative surgical techniques and decades of experience, Professor Levan can achieve excellent results with this implant.

Our patients are delighted indeed: their reviews speak volumes. Essential Aesthetics is therefore proud that this specialist has chosen our clinic to work with. By combining our forces through this collaboration, we aim to raise plastic surgery in the Netherlands to the highest level.

Leaders in Aesthetic Surgery, Injectables and Laser in The Hague

Our Specialists

The best specialists are ready for you.

Our exceptional international specialists and surgeons work together to provide state-of-the-art, reliable, industry-standard cosmetic procedures and surgeries.

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Dr. Professor Levan

Meet Dr. Levan
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Dr. Aniel Sewnaik

Meet Dr. Sewnaik
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Dr. Luca Piombino

Meet Dr. Piombino
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Brindusa Gritu

Meet Brindusa
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BSc. Griselle El Hage

Meet Griselle
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Dr. Gabriel Jansen

Meet Dr. Jansen
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Alexandra Gomes

Meet Alexandra

We are a NEN and ISO Approved Private Medical Clinic in the Netherlands


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